When you are using your new GPS tracking device, you have to remember that you can do more than keep track of where your car is at all times. You can use GPS tracking devices for just about anything. From business to personal use, the device can be made to perform any number of functions that will be useful to you. As a business owner, you can use a GPS tracking device to keep tabs on all of your vehicles that are out in the field. At times you can have issues with dispatching and the movement of vehicles on different routes. If there are concerns about the efficiency of routes with your company's vehicles, you can use your tracking device to help the dispatcher know where everyone is and what is going on. The profitability of your routes can be checked, drivers can be safe and time can be saved. You can also use a tracking device on your personal vehicle. This is especially helpful if you are taking a long trip or you if you have someone going on a long journey. In order to know where they are, and to ensure their safety, you can install the tracker to help keep tabs on them. Ultimately, purchasing a GPS tracking device is an investment in safety and security. Businesses can use them to help increase profits while personal uses can include recovering a stolen car or keeping track of someone who has left on a long journey.